Providing Service Excellence to Enhance

the Guest Experience for your customers


Our Story

The Partners of Werx FC have worked in the cleaning and maintenance industry for large multinational corporations for a combined 40 years. This experience has laid the foundation for Werx FC and our vision of what service should and can be. We believe in serving our customers and not shareholders with a vision of enhancing the guest experience for your customers. We believe cleaning and maintenance should not be an expense but an opportunity to increase your sales, your tenant satisfaction, and the publics experience in your facility.

Our team is built on the philosophy of a great “international football club”. Everyone on our team is a star player, scores goals and is integral to our service delivery. We are a true profit sharing corporation with our team, giving them a personal stake in your business. After all we are a service delivery team of “people serving people”.

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Our People

Our people are our greatest resource.  We know this and treat them, not as employees or associates, but real partners.

Who is cleaning your facility at 3am?  If it’s a WERX FC team member you know they are paid well, treated fairly, have tremendous support and are part of a unique team and that this is their moment to shine.

Our team sets the standards.   We don’t wait for you to manage the program. We give our team the chance to perform, to make decisions, to seize the opportunity and we reward them for it. Our proprietary Customer Service training is Triple E.   We have engaged people, empowered people and empathetic people which benefits our clients and their customers. We look forward to sharing our Triple E program and how it can enhance your facility.

Our Written Customer Service Strategy:

Werx FC is about the Guest Experience; everyone’s best effort in any situation to make the customer feel special and unique. With engagement, empowerment and empathy as our guiding principles we focus on each person and their situation individually and determine the course of action to make it right.

Team Werx FC


We ask you “What would you like” and that’s what we do!

WE DO WHAT WE SAY WE ARE GOING TO DO for our customers in their facilities.  It’s simple, but takes tremendous effort and we pride ourselves in doing it right.

Our Partners have experience in all types of Facilities in Canada. We have served in Shopping Centers, International Airports, Premiere Office Towers and Campuses, Health Care, Higher Education and Industrial.

We have an Owner Onsite at your Facility everyday!!

Environmental strategy

Our company maintains a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility. We are committed to educating our team members, implementing best green cleaning practices, and of course, purchasing environmental sensitive products.

Economically and Environmentally Sustainable

We are always looking for ways to reduce our impact and help our client partners optimize their own green initiatives. Sustainability is not just good for the environment, it makes good business sense. Environmental responsibility is a value we all share and our client partners rely on us to help reduce the ecological impacts of their endeavors too. We see the work of reducing our collective footprint as a team effort. This entails that we have considered all areas of consumption: energy, water use, waste management/recycling, and “greener” product use.


People Power: Each One a Steward

Our greatest resource is people; and so the core of our environmental program is training our employees to conserve and carefully use resources such as electricity and water. We believe that purchasing green cleaning products and equipment is a first step, but this must be complimented by sound operational procedures. Cleaning and maintenance staff are also trained to know how to deal responsibly with waste and recycling, and understand that this is a core tenet of our environmental stewardship program. Our employees’ conservationist mind-set translates into reduced operating costs for our client partners, giving them a competitive advantage. We are proud to offer a business edge that makes our efforts in environmental stewardship truly sustainable.

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Quality Assurance

“SERVICE EXCELLENCE” is the foundation of our business.

First, Werx FC makes available to each facility a high caliber, seasoned off-site management team to assist your onsite manager in the implementation of programs and systems. Second, we place more emphasis and money on employee training, investing in our front line, coaching and seeking input from employees on how to further improve our cleaning services. Our corporate support team will continue to develop ways of improving the service and will remain ready for quick responses to your organizations changing needs.

Quality Control & Orange QC

At Werx FC we are always pursuing the latest in cleaning technologies to increase our efficiencies and give our associates and clients the best tools to do their jobs and increase service levels to their facilities.

Our newly implemented closed loop Orange QC program utilizes a comprehensive web based system that can be tailored to meet the demands and requirements for any building, tenant or facility.  It is a real-time system that allows client and associate access to work order data reporting, quality inspections with photo capabilities instantaneously.


Highlights of our Orange QC quality assurance program:

  • Web Based; access online anywhere on any device
  • SUPER EASY to USE. Anyone who can make a cell call can operate Orange QC
  • Mobile application; ease of use on almost any mobile device. Best for Android, iPhone and Blackberry applications
  • Desk Top, iPad and Tablet applications; ensuring our service meets or exceeds your expectations.
  • Client access, associate access and closed loop technology
  • Full QA, reporting and work order system
  • Send in a photo, create a work order or deficiency, and know when corrections are completed.


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